How Genetics Can Affect Fertility

How Genetics Can Affect Fertility

Whether you’re considering having children or not, getting ahead and being in tune with your reproductive health can help you prepare for the future accordingly. For many women, an exciting momen...

Can I get pregnant any day of my cycle?

Kann ich an jedem Tag meines Zyklus schwanger werden?

Kann ich während meiner Periode schwanger werden? Obwohl es sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, ist es nicht unmöglich, während oder kurz nach deiner Periode schwanger zu werden. Das liegt daran, dass du di...

Ovulation: its distinct and subtle signs

Der Eisprung - Seine deutlichen und subtilen Anzeichen

Planst du eine Schwangerschaft? Abhängig von deinem Gesundheitszustand und Lebensstil kann diese Reise mehr oder weniger Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Sich mit dem fruchtbaren Zeitfenster vertraut zu ma...

Blind spots in women’s health and medical research

Blind spots in women’s health and medical research

In the last four years we have seen women take to the streets, unified by experiences such as the #MeToo movement. As further disparities regarding gender and race gain global attention, we ask how...

How Does Stress Impact My Menstrual Cycle?

How Does Stress Impact My Menstrual Cycle?

Stress can appear in all manner of ways, be it from work, personal relationships, or juggling too many responsibilities. Although a little added pressure may help you meet that deadline, stress can...

The things we’ve missed in Sex Ed classes

Dinge die wir im Sexualkundeunterricht verpasst haben

Was kommt dir in den Sinn, wenn du von Sexualkunde hörst? Bilder von dir selbst, wie du mit Klassenkameraden im hinteren Teil des Raumes kicherst? Dein Lehrer, der unbeholfen demonstriert, wie man ...

Ovulation Pain

Ovulation Pain

Amongst the sea of menstrual cycle conversations is an island filled with questions about the different levels of pain linked to the female reproductive organs. For some, ovulation pain can be a mo...

How to Master Self-Care and Turn It Into a Habit?

How to Master Self-Care and Turn It Into a Habit?

When the world is shaking, finding stability within yourself can help you overcome difficult times. The COVID-19 pandemic slowed the world down, making everyone turn to themselves. Although dauntin...

The Day I Met My Cervix

Der Tag, an dem ich meinen Gebärmutterhals traf

Kennenlernen einer Fremden: Zervixschleim und mehr Die Idee, meinen Gebärmutterhals zu finden und zu ertasten, war mir bis vor einem Jahr nie in den Sinn gekommen, als ich mich mit einem Bein auf d...

The Wonders of Our Cervical Fluid

The Wonders of Our Cervical Fluid

Every single day of a woman’s menstrual cycle is another excuse to look and see how her body is changing in response to the hormones produced and fluids being released.   Alongside having a period...

Medical Racism - Decolonising Healthcare

Medical Racism - Decolonising Healthcare

The racism that exists globally within healthcare systems and the medical sphere is rife.  By definition, racism refers to the belief that one race is superior to another - but this broadens to inc...

Celebrating your sexual health

Celebrating your sexual health

This September sees a global awareness for sexual health advocacy. Around the world, people are celebrating the uniqueness of sexuality and sharing information about how to keep our sex lives in ti...

Diversity in menstrual cycles

Diversity in menstrual cycles

Do you know when your last period was? Or how long it lasted? And how it felt compared to the period before? Perhaps not, but you are definitely not alone.  Understanding your menstrual cycle can ...

Exercise and menstrual cycles

Exercise and menstrual cycles

Many people turn to exercise as a way to better their health. Yet, without considering the menstrual cycle, it may be much harder for individuals to achieve their health goals. At the same time, ha...

The PMS experience around the world

The PMS experience around the world

Did you know that premenstrual syndrome, otherwise known as PMS is known to affect 90% of women yet it remains a highly under-researched subject (1)?  PMS involves a large number of symptoms that ...

What is endometriosis and how does it affect fertility?

What is endometriosis and how does it affect fertility?

For all too many women, endometriosis is a term they have never heard of. However, there are over 190 million women worldwide affected by this condition (1). In the past 50 years, the number of peo...

Ovarian cancer: how to reduce your risk and prevention

Ovarian cancer: how to reduce your risk and prevention

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that develops within the ovaries, when cancer cells grow abnormally and eventually form a tumour. Despite its often subtle signs and symptoms, ovarian cancer is t...