Making Space for LGBTQ+ Reproductive Health
For the most part, when we hear people talk about reproductive health and pregnancy, it’s often focused on relationships between a woman and a man. However, the experience of menstruation and ferti...

Fully embracing my cyclical self As a young college student, a Gender Studies major, I subscribed to the belief that the differences between men and women were negligible. 99.9% of our DNA was the ...

The Silent Story of Early Menopause
Today we're talking to Kristin, who tells us about her trying experience with early menopause, following the removal of her ovaries. “I wish for women to understand our hormones and the effect the...

Living With Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
Today, we’re talking to Rebekah, who was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) in her early 30’s, after experiencing irregular periods. Rebekah was told her ovaries had begun to fail...

I was in Washington DC on a work trip and my phone kept ringing with calls from home. I was used to declining them. My family and friends somehow always accepted that when I was at work I could not...

Did you know that in Switzerland you can get a pregnancy test in the vending machines at pretty much every train station? It’s a little, purple and white box, in between the snickers and the tic ta...

Have you ever heard of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short? It’s understood that PMDD affects 5-8% of women (1) of reproductive age worldwide yet it’s commonly left undiagnosed or di...

“You will end up getting pregnant, you know? Grow up! Be responsible!” I remember shouting at one of my sisters about a decade back. How could the same person be sitting here, a decade later, even...

My Bumpy Ride Managing Uterine Fibroids
Did you know that uterine fibroids affect up to 80% of women? These are non-cancerous, smooth muscle tumors that grow either on, above, or outside of the uterus. They can exist without showing any ...

“The pill cannot be the solution to all my problems”
Today, Morgane shares with us her reflections about 15 years taking hormonal birth control and some of the signs she experienced. Teenage time and adult life under birth control I often hear that ...

How Breast Cancer Led to Life’s Purpose
At 49 years old, Roberta Lombardi was giving herself a breast examination when she found a small hard lump. Over the course of 14 months, Roberta went from being diagnosed with triple -positive bre...

At the beginning of 2017, I sat opposite a nurse discussing options for long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) from the list she waved at me . I was in the process of having a medical abortion...