
Special Price for a Limited Time Only

Your inne strips are billed and shipped monthly after receiving the first package.

Free inne Journal, only available for a limited time!

First Package

inne Minilab

  • App, Reader, manual & charger
  • Strips for the first cycle

From Month 2

Strip Delivery

  • Strips for one cycle
  • From now on delivered monthly

After the first 3, 12 or 24 months, you can cancel your plan or it will renew monthly. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.


Special Price for a Limited Time Only

Your inne strips are billed and shipped monthly after receiving the first package.

3 month subscription
inne Reader
€159 €129
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
€159 €129
Order Now
24 month subscription
inne Reader
€159 €59
Save €100 on inne Reader
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
€159 €59
Order Now

After the first 3, 12 or 24 months, you can cancel your plan or it will renew monthly. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.

Certification 6 Certification 7 Certification 8 Certification 9


Get your inne Minilab now

Save by paying upfront or stay flexible with our monthly billed subscriptions.

Free Inne Journal, only available for a limited time!

First Shipment

inne Minilab

  • inne Reader, manual & charger
  • first supply of inne Strips


Strip Refills

  • inne Strips for 1 or 3 cycles
  • delivered monthly or quarterly

Subscriptions can be cancelled at the end of the chosen term (3, 12 or 24 months), otherwise they will renew monthly. The Package-Deal ends automatically after 12 months. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.


Get your inne Minilab now

Save by paying upfront or stay flexible with our monthly billed subscriptions.

Pay Upfront
12 Month Package
Package Deal
€555 €299
Save €256 by paying for a full year!
  • inne Reader
  • 12 months strips
  • App access
Package Deal
€555 €299
Order Now
Pay monthly
3 month subscription
inne Reader
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
Order Now
24 month subscription
inne Reader
€159 €59
Save €100 on inne Reader
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
€159 €59
Order Now

Subscriptions can be cancelled at the end of the chosen term (3, 12 or 24 months), otherwise they will renew monthly. The Package-Deal ends automatically after 12 months. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.

Certification 9 Certification 10 Certification 11 Certification 12


Get your inne Minilab now

Save by paying upfront or stay flexible with our monthly billed subscriptions.

Free Inne Journal, only available for a limited time!

First Shipment

inne Minilab

  • inne Reader, manual & charger
  • first supply of inne Strips


Strip Refills

  • inne Strips for 1 or 3 cycles
  • delivered monthly or quarterly

Subscriptions can be cancelled at the end of the chosen term (3, 12 or 24 months), otherwise they will renew monthly. The Package-Deal ends automatically after 12 months. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.


Get your inne Minilab now

Save by paying upfront or stay flexible with our monthly billed subscriptions.

Pay Upfront
12 Month Package
Package Deal
€555 €299
Save €256 by paying for a full year!
  • inne Reader
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
Package Deal
€555 €299
Order Now
Pay monthly
3 month subscription
inne Reader
€159 €129
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
€159 €129
Order Now
24 month subscription
inne Reader
€159 €59
Save €100 on inne Reader
Monthly subscription: €29/month
  • Monthly test strips
  • App access
inne Reader
€159 €59
Order Now

Subscriptions can be cancelled at the end of the chosen term (3, 12 or 24 months), otherwise they will renew monthly. The Package-Deal ends automatically after 12 months. Prices include VAT and exclude shipping. Delivery estimate: 2-3 days.

Certification 9 Certification 10 Certification 11 Certification 12