How Hormones Change Postpartum

How Hormones Change Postpartum

So many emotions come to mind when we think of having a baby: love, joy, pain, fatigue, excitement, stress, and relief. The dichotomy between the highs and lows of childbirth and postpartum life al...

Maybe Baby

Maybe Baby

Wusstest du, dass man in der Schweiz in den Automaten an fast jedem Bahnhof einen Schwangerschaftstest kaufen kann? Es ist eine kleine, lila-weiße Schachtel zwischen den Snickers und den Tic Tacs, ...

How Does Stress Impact My Menstrual Cycle?

How Does Stress Impact My Menstrual Cycle?

Stress can appear in all manner of ways, be it from work, personal relationships, or juggling too many responsibilities. Although a little added pressure may help you meet that deadline, stress can...

The things we’ve missed in Sex Ed classes

Dinge die wir im Sexualkundeunterricht verpasst haben

Was kommt dir in den Sinn, wenn du von Sexualkunde hörst? Bilder von dir selbst, wie du mit Klassenkameraden im hinteren Teil des Raumes kicherst? Dein Lehrer, der unbeholfen demonstriert, wie man ...

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Hormonelle Veränderungen während der Schwangerschaft

Der menschliche Körper besteht aus fast einhundert Hormonen und jedes von ihnen hat seine eigene, einzigartige Funktion (1). Wie du vielleicht schon vermutet hast, durchläuft der Körper während der...

Progesterone 101

Progesterone 101

The menstrual cycle is a valuable, yet understated, indication of a woman’s overall health. It is even considered to be a “vital sign” by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, meaning...

Ovulation Pain

Ovulation Pain

Amongst the sea of menstrual cycle conversations is an island filled with questions about the different levels of pain linked to the female reproductive organs. For some, ovulation pain can be a mo...

Have you ever heard of PMDD

Have you ever heard of PMDD

Have you ever heard of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short? It’s understood that PMDD affects 5-8% of women (1) of reproductive age worldwide yet it’s commonly left undiagnosed or di...

Feeling my vagina

Meine Vagina fühlen

"Du wirst am Ende noch schwanger werden, weißt du? Werde erwachsen! Sei verantwortungsbewusst!" Ich erinnere mich, dass ich vor etwa einem Jahrzehnt eine meiner Schwestern angeschrien habe. Wie ko...

My Bumpy Ride Managing Uterine Fibroids

Meine holprige Fahrt mit Uterusmyomen

Wusstest du, dass Uterusmyome bis zu 80 % der Frauen betreffen? Dabei handelt es sich um gutartige, glatte Muskeltumore, die entweder auf, über oder außerhalb der Gebärmutter wachsen. Sie können vo...

Hormones, saliva & menstrual cycles

Hormones, saliva & menstrual cycles

What is saliva and what are its functions? Saliva is a fluid produced in your mouth and is involved in all sorts of important functions, from moistening food so that it’s easier to chew and swallow...

How to Master Self-Care and Turn It Into a Habit?

How to Master Self-Care and Turn It Into a Habit?

When the world is shaking, finding stability within yourself can help you overcome difficult times. The COVID-19 pandemic slowed the world down, making everyone turn to themselves. Although dauntin...

Hormones and Appetite

Hormones and Appetite

What influence do our hormones have? Progesterone and Estrogen are the two main sex hormones that influence biological processes in the female body. Firstly, they are vitally important to reproduct...

How Does Progesterone Affect Mental Health?

Wie wirkt sich Progesteron auf die psychische Gesundheit aus?

Es gibt zwei Haupt-Sexualhormone, die bei der Steuerung der Fortpflanzungsfunktion bei Frauen eine wichtige Rolle spielen - Progesteron und Östrogen. In diesem Artikel konzentrieren wir uns etwas ...

The Day I Met My Cervix

Der Tag, an dem ich meinen Gebärmutterhals traf

Kennenlernen einer Fremden: Zervixschleim und mehr Die Idee, meinen Gebärmutterhals zu finden und zu ertasten, war mir bis vor einem Jahr nie in den Sinn gekommen, als ich mich mit einem Bein auf d...

“The pill cannot be the solution to all my problems”

“The pill cannot be the solution to all my problems”

Today, Morgane shares with us her reflections about 15 years taking hormonal birth control and some of the signs she experienced. Teenage time and adult life under birth control I often hear that ...

The Wonders of Our Cervical Fluid

The Wonders of Our Cervical Fluid

Every single day of a woman’s menstrual cycle is another excuse to look and see how her body is changing in response to the hormones produced and fluids being released.   Alongside having a period...

How Breast Cancer Led to Life’s Purpose

How Breast Cancer Led to Life’s Purpose

At 49 years old, Roberta Lombardi was giving herself a breast examination when she found a small hard lump. Over the course of 14 months, Roberta went from being diagnosed with triple -positive bre...

Medical Racism - Decolonising Healthcare

Medical Racism - Decolonising Healthcare

The racism that exists globally within healthcare systems and the medical sphere is rife.  By definition, racism refers to the belief that one race is superior to another - but this broadens to inc...

Celebrating your sexual health

Celebrating your sexual health

This September sees a global awareness for sexual health advocacy. Around the world, people are celebrating the uniqueness of sexuality and sharing information about how to keep our sex lives in ti...

Detecting ovulation with my hormones or my temperature (BBT)?

Bestimmung des Eisprungs anhand meiner Hormone oder Temperatur (BKT)?

Was hat meine Temperatur mit meinem Menstruationszyklus zu tun? Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts beschrieb der niederländische Gynäkologe Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde erstmals den Zusammenhang zwisc...

Diversity in menstrual cycles

Diversity in menstrual cycles

Do you know when your last period was? Or how long it lasted? And how it felt compared to the period before? Perhaps not, but you are definitely not alone.  Understanding your menstrual cycle can ...

Exercise and menstrual cycles

Exercise and menstrual cycles

Many people turn to exercise as a way to better their health. Yet, without considering the menstrual cycle, it may be much harder for individuals to achieve their health goals. At the same time, ha...

Hormones and Sex Drive

Hormones and Sex Drive

When was the last time you had a good flirt? Do you remember that day when everyone looked a little more attractive? How about the newfound sexiness you felt moving through your body? These experie...