Menopause & Perimenopause: Signs, Symptoms, and Stages

Menopause & Perimenopause: Signs, Symptoms, and Stages

Approaching menopause can be a bittersweet experience—it's goodbye to periods and pads but also hello to other not-so-pleasant changes.  Menopause refers to the point of your life when your period...

What Exactly Is An Ectopic Pregnancy?

What Exactly Is An Ectopic Pregnancy?

Every mother hopes for a simple, uncomplicated pregnancy. But the process of growing a baby is anything but easy, creating ample opportunity for things to go awry. While there often isn’t much we c...

How Birth Control Works & How It Affects Your Cycle

How Birth Control Works & How It Affects Your Cycle

Birth control, also known as contraception, prevents you from getting pregnant with sexual intercourse.  Most women will utilize birth control at some point in their life. And in 2019, over 900 mi...

Your Reproductive Age: When Are You Most Fertile?

Your Reproductive Age: When Are You Most Fertile?

You've probably heard that getting pregnant at a younger age is almost always better than having to push out a baby when you're 40.  But perhaps, you may be feeling a little hesitant to start a fa...

Hormones 101: What Are Fertility Hormones?

Hormones 101: What Are Fertility Hormones?

What orchestrates the events that happen behind the scenes during each cycle? What determines when a mature egg is released or triggers the thickening of your uterine lining?  Well, the invisible ...

Stages of Pregnancy

Stages of Pregnancy

A mum-to-be looks forward to carrying her baby. Still, many women worry about pregnancy and all the bodily changes that come with it. Here, we will answer all your questions for peace of mind. We w...

Is My Vaginal Discharge Normal?

Is My Vaginal Discharge Normal?

Women experience vaginal secretions throughout their menstrual cycle, especially on the days leading to their ovulation. This is a sign of health and is not a cause for concern. But what signs shou...

How To Find Out Your Pregnancy Due Date

How To Find Out Your Pregnancy Due Date

Congratulations! A new addition to the family is on the way!  Pregnancy is a breathtaking process. But of course, there's nothing quite like the moment you get to meet and cradle your baby in your...

Fertilisation 101: How Pregnancy Happens Biologically

Fertilisation 101: How Pregnancy Happens Biologically

You and your partner decide it's time for a baby. And now, you're curious.  What is conception? And how soon can you detect pregnancy after these processes take place?—Well, there's a lot that goe...

COVID-19 vaccines and Menstrual Cycles – What’s the Truth?

COVID-19 vaccines and Menstrual Cycles – What’s the Truth?

A regular menstrual cycle is considered a sign of good overall health. Our reproductive health and well-being are always a worry when our menstrual cycle begins or ends. Naturally, the length of a ...

6 Signs of Ovulation: How To Detect Your Fertile Period

6 Signs of Ovulation: How To Detect Your Fertile Period

If you’re looking to conceive, tracking your ovulation period is one practical way to boost your chances of getting pregnant.  Sure, having sex more often will be helpful. But being able to pinpoi...

Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

In short, yes. It is important to know that getting pregnant is dependent on your ovulation and is not directly linked to your period. Still, the truth is that getting pregnant during your period r...

5 Ways To Support Your Partner As They Try To Get Pregnant

5 Ways To Support Your Partner As They Try To Get Pregnant

One life-changing statement—"Let's have a baby."  You and your partner have just decided to bring a bundle of joy into the world. It's one of the most exciting, beautiful, and rewarding experience...

All you need to know about the luteal phase

All you need to know about the luteal phase

What is the luteal phase? The luteal phase is the part of the menstrual cycle between ovulation and the start of menstruation (1). During this time, the hormone progesterone is produced and the bod...

How is your data being used in Femtech?

How is your data being used in Femtech?

Over the past decade, the development of femtech has provided women with accessible tools to better the agency they have over their bodies and reproductive health. Today, millions of users input th...

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine condition characterised by an imbalance of hormones (1). The symptoms typically manifest as irregular menstrual cycles, increased leve...

What do I need to know about eggs and fertility?

What do I need to know about eggs and fertility?

If you menstruate, you probably know that it's all centered around your ovaries releasing an egg every month. For many people, however, eggs themselves might be a bit of a mystery.  Your eggs are ...

Biohacking Your Menstrual Cycle

Biohacking Your Menstrual Cycle

If you are reading this article you may already be familiar with the term “biohacking.” The idea behind biohacking is that whatever we put into our bodies, from supplements to implanted cybernetic ...

What is in vitro fertilisation (IVF)?

What is in vitro fertilisation (IVF)?

Forty years ago, Louise Brown became the first baby to be born through in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Over nine million babies later, IVF is often considered the miracle treatment for infertility. D...

How common is miscarriage and why does it happen?

How common is miscarriage and why does it happen?

What is a miscarriage? Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation (1). It can also be referred to as a spontaneous abortion (as opposed to a medically induced a...

Tips for Keeping Sex Exciting While Trying to Conceive

Tips for Keeping Sex Exciting While Trying to Conceive

When trying to conceive, having sex on a schedule by tracking your ovulation can sometimes take the fun out of the experience. Studies show that 1 in 8 couples have difficulties getting pregnant or...

Embracing the “Fem” in “FemTech”

Embracing the “Fem” in “FemTech”

International Women’s Day is an important moment to recognize and spotlight the innate power of women and their enduring fight for gender equity in this world. There are many landmark historical ev...

How to better track my ovulation

How to better track my ovulation

How to better track my ovulation Being able to pinpoint your time of ovulation is key to understanding your fertile window. But did you know the hormones we produce as a result of ovulation also ha...

Facts on Ovulation and Infertility

Facts on Ovulation and Infertility

What does fertility actually mean? Fertility is your natural ability to establish a pregnancy. It can often be something we take for granted and it may only be when planning for a pregnancy that un...